بكالوريوس رياض أطفال

يتمثل الهدف الرئيسي للكليات في السعي الى تحقيق المواءمة بين أهم مخرجات التعليم ” الخريجين” ومتطلبات سوق العمل الا أن الوصول الى هذا الهدف يعتمد على قدرة تلك الكليات على توفير مدخلات اساسية من كوادر بشرية  وبرامج وادوات واساليب تعليمية تستوجب استخدامها في الكليات لانتاج خريجين مؤهلين وقادرين على الانخراط في هذا السوق ومواكبة شروطه ومستجداته ورغم توفر العديد من التخصصات في الكليات اصبح شرطا لازما لتغطية سوق العمل، الا ان ذلك الشرط يتطلب لإكماله تحقيق انسجام بين احتياجات القطاعين العام والخاص.

لذا تسعى كلية الأمة وفي ظل الظروف التي تعاني منها من قلة الاقبال عليها بسبب الجدار البغيض والذي حاصرها من منطقتي الجنوب والغرب.

اخذت ادارة الكلية زمام المبادرة بضرورة رفع مستوى التعليم فيها بإيجاد تخصص جديد بكالوريوس في التربية/ تخصص رياض الأطفال

لأن مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة تعد من اهم المراحل في بناء الشخصية لأي فرد في المجتمع، وان الاهتمام بالطفل في تلك المرحلة له مروده الكبير على المجتمع والاسرة، وان العديد من الدول انتقلت في تطورها النمائي والتربوي للتركيز على تلك المرحلة وجعل التعليم خلالها الزامي

لتحقيق الاهداف المحددة في خطة التخصص تقوم الادارة بعمل الآتي:

  1. اختيار كوادر من المدرسين ذوي كفاءة عالية.
  2. تنظيم زيارات عملية ميدانية خلال فترة الدراسة الى رياض الاطفال العامةوالخاصة مع توافق مواعيد هذه الزيارات مع الساعات الدراسية للمساقات وطبيعتها.
  3. توجيه الطالب بأساليب عملية تقنية بعيداً عن اساليب التلقين وتوفير تقنية تعليمية محوسبة بطريقة فنية وبرؤية جديدة تتناسب ومتطلبات العصر.
  4. التنسيق مع ادارة الروضات لاتاحة المجال للطالبات لتدريب والتطبيق العملي في بداية العام الدراسي لإكتساب خبرة ومهارة بداية العام والتدريب العملي الفعلي بإعطاء الدروس خلال فترة الدراسة.
  5. توزيع منهاج الخطة الدراسية على الطلبة في بداية كل فصل دراسي للتعرف على طبيعة المواد والتحضير لها.
  6. متابعة تزويد المكتبة بالكتب الحديثة، وشراء برامج محوسبة متطورة لهذا الغرض

خطة الدورة

برنامج التعليم: بكالوريوس رياض الأطفال (130) ساعة.

  • المقررات الرئيسية 82 ساعة معتمدة
رقم المساقاسم المساقعدد ساعات المساقمتطلب سابقالمستوىوصف المساق
2401214مبادىء التوجيه والارشاد النفسي32401108
2401215الفن والأشغال اليدوية في تربية الطفولة المبكرة3
2401221التربية الخاصة32401109
2401440الوسائل والتجهيزات التربوية في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة32401215
2401220العمل مع الأهالي 32401214
2401110القياس والتقييم في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة3
2401443خدمة المجتمع1
2401439الحاسوب في تربية الطفولة المبكرة2
2401329أدب الأطفال3
2401326التربية المجتمعية في الروضة3
2401330التدريب الميداني 11
2401441رياض الأطفال 22401332+2401216+2401326
2401332التربية الحركية واللعب3
2401336التدريب الميداني 21
2401447تعليم العلوم والرياضيات للأطفال3
2401222تخطيط برامج تربيةالطفل وتطويرها32401110
2401446التدريب الميداني 31
2401442التربية الاخلاقية في الروضة32401332
2401449التدريب الميداني 41
2401448العائلة ودورها3
2401108علم النفس التربوي3
2401333الدراما لمعلمي الاطفال32401108
2401109نمو وصحة الطفل وتغذيته3
2401106سيكولوجية الطفولة3
2401334تنمية مهارات التفكير32401328
2401111الموسيقى في تربية الطفلولة المبكرة22401103
2401217البحث في الطفولة المبكرة32401106
  • المقررات. متطلبات الجامعة (18) ساعة معتمدة وكلها نظرية
Course No.Course NameHouresPrerequisiteYear / CourseCourse Description
2401102Arabic language skills(1)
3It is an obligatory requirement: it includes the unit of cognitive achievement and includes: levels and methods of developing words, dictionaries, common mistakes, dictation and punctuation, and aesthetic taste unit, which includes: the study of Surat Al-Alaq, the commentator of Al-Qais, the narrator of Abi Al-Tamam and the reader of the cup Nizar Qabbani. The art of the story and the art of biography, and the unit of cultural reconnaissance, which includes: music of free poetry, Arabic language, modern civilization, the Arab cause and the problem of Arabic calligraphy, and the unit of job performance, which includes: readings of all kinds and expression, writing technical reports in Arabic
2401107Arabic language skills(2)3Derivatives (succinctly), sections of nouns in terms of their late and Arabization, fold and plural, sections of the Arabic sentence in terms of form and cross, and the pillars of each of them, sections of the sentence in terms of meaning (news and construction), negligence and knowledge (interest in reference names and conductors and the link of the conductor and letters Connected - source), training on sound reading, verbal and technical text analysis, training on oral expression on different topics and situations in a proper language, training on editorial expression and application of skills in (1) and (2), observance and employment.
2401101English language skills(1)3It aims to develop the student's four basic skills, namely: writing, reading, comprehension, correct pronunciation and conversation, as well as developing basic language grammar that includes verbs, direct speech, prepositions and conditional sentences, and also aims to provide the student with English words and terms that relate to the student's daily and practical life, writing technical reports In English
2401213English language skills(2)3This course is prepared to review and expand the skills presented by the previous course (English Language Skills / 1), with the aim of providing more opportunities for applying sub-reading skills, the most important of which are: introductory reading: surveying and browsing, forecasting of what will appear in the text, reasoning, taking notes, identifying key ideas. Listening skill: Take notes and organize them effectively, paragraph writing skills, summaries, short reports, practice of oral communication, reporting and short oral summaries, exposure to grammar that arises during teaching only.
2401219Research Methodology3---
2401337Entrepreneurship (1)1Training units aiming to develop entrepreneurial skills and to prepare young people, on the scientific level, not only to be able to create their own projects in the future, but also to work productively in small and medium-sized enterprises, and thus the goal of the overall program, at the broader level, is to contribute to the development of An institutional culture in Palestine
2401338Entrepreneurship (2)2Training units aiming to develop entrepreneurial skills and to prepare young people, on the scientific level, not only to be able to create their own projects in the future, but also to work productively in small and medium-sized enterprises, and thus the goal of the overall program, at the broader level, is to contribute to the development of An institutional culture in Palestine
  • المقررات متطلبات الكلية إجبارية (12) ساعة معتمدة وكلها نظرية باستثناء التربية الرياضية نظرياً وعملياً:
Course No.Course NameHouresPrerequisiteYear / CourseCourse Description
2401105General Sciences3Students acquire scientific knowledge of the nature of science and the goals and methods of teaching and evaluation, and how to analyze science lessons, and design models for educational situations that are implemented through various methods of teaching science and dramatic situations and concept maps to teach science lessons and develop positive and valuable directions towards the subject of science.
2401327Methods of teaching writing3This course introduces students to the methodology of teaching writing within the following main areas:
Arabic Calligraphy Models
Dictation and how to overcome difficulties in it.
The Art of Writing: Sources, References, and Methods of Making Use of It. Title, phrasing and target
2401112Foundations of mathematics3---
2401218Sports education2This course examines the study of the concept of physical education, its goals, and its relations with general education, the definition of the most important skills and basic principles of some group and individual games with the laws of these games, conducting internal and external games and activities, training in refereeing matches and activities, and getting acquainted with some field injuries that affect the player inside and outside the stadium. And knowing its causes, symptoms and methods of first aid, and this course also deals with some athletics competitions and how to organize some methods of sports courses.
2401335The seminar1This course gives students at the graduation stage an opportunity to review, organize and collect materials from previous specialization courses. Participants in the seminar provide reports for open discussion with members of the faculty staff who assist as work supervisors or sources for consultation in discussion sessions. Done. Attendance is a prerequisite
  • المقررات الحرة (6) ساعات معتمدة: المادة الأولى نظرية وتطبيقية ، والثانية نظرية
Course No.Course NameHouresPrerequisiteYear / CourseCourse Description
2401325Introduction to Computers3The student learns the physical components of the computer and enables the student to operate the computer and its software, and the use of this software in word processing, building tabular data, and designing databases and presentations. The course begins with introducing the computer and its importance and deals with the most important equipment used for entry, exit, processing and storage, as well as the relationship between information technology and society, the problems associated with the use of the computer and preventive measures when using it and seeking confidentiality and security of information, also will be identified the privacy issues associated with the use of the computer and the identification of computer viruses and how to prevent Including securing programs and data, and displaying concepts of computer cases and ethics.
Then the course reviews the general software and its applications, as it shows how to operate the computer through the operating system, and is known as the operating system (windows), then it deals with how to create and edit texts in various forms through a word processor and how to create electronic tables and make graphs using the excel system and provides how to operate Create presentation slides including text, graphics and images using the PowerPoint system.
2401424Principles of Statistics3It aims to introduce the student to the role of statistics in life and in the method of research and investigation, and deals with iterative and probability distributions and the normal curve. It also deals with the topic of correlation and regression in a simple way. Nature of statistics, presentation of statistical data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, correlation and regression coefficient. Time Series, Natural Distribution, Vital and Population Statistics and Probability.