Technical Accounting

A student who has completed a high school diploma can register in the college, and can specialize in technical accounting, obtain a diploma in it, then go to the labor market or complete his education at another university, and there are many institutions in the private and public sector that need jobs in diploma degrees in Technical accounting. The Technical Accounting major offers many general and specialized courses in the field of management and accounting. Such as management, economics, and accounting principles courses, among others, in addition to specialized courses in the field of accounting, such as cost accounting, government, tax, banking, financial management, financial sports, using computers in financial applications and accounting programs used in the Palestinian labor market, and field training 1 And 2, which allows the student to obtain basic knowledge and skills in the field of technical accounting, which enables the student to practice his work in the institution and to complete the requirements for obtaining a diploma in accounting. The student must complete at least 64 credit hours.

College Requirement Diploma

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Technical Accounting Program Course

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Technical Accounting specialization Course

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